
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oops, Ok - he's a boy

Ok, so I've only ever owned one girl kitty - guess that explains why I and two other people didn't know Smudge is a boy! I wonder what he's gonna do about wearing the pink collar Aanika picked out......

He had his first check up and shots yesterday and got a clean bill of health. His ears needed to be cleaned and he did NOT like it one bit! For such a sweet kitty, he sure has got a loud voice when he's mad. He's gonna go for a snip-snip on Thursday seeing that he's getting close to "that age" when they start marking their territory. The vet thinks he's about 5 months old because he's losing his baby teeth (incisors) and has yet to lose his canines.

Check out his newest fascination:
Poor tree hasn't got a chance against those claws!

1 comment:

  1. lol too funny!

    p.s. wWould you consider turning off word verification? It is a pain in the you-know-where!


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