
Friday, September 19, 2008

Remembering Feather, the fish

Sad day in our house. Feather, one of the funniest fish ever, died unexpectedly yesterday - we've had him for over 1 year. He was a hoot to watch swim because it was sort of this upright, wiggly dance-swim movement and then he'd add in a corkscrew turn to it. Very strange but very amusing! He's the orange one on the right in the picture below.

We found him just before bedtime so it was a sad and sniffly prayer time while we explained things to Aanika. She asked if I'd take her today after school to find a new fish-friend for Tiara and Chewie. At Aanika's request, we're going to print out a picture of Feather and tape it on the tank (picture side in) so that the other fish can see it. Too cute, but sad too!


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