
Monday, July 11, 2005

Camping on the beach

This week has been relatively uneventful so I’ll give you a recap of our trip to Michigan and our recent camping adventure. We had a great time in MI even though the weather was unpredictable. It went from the high 50’s to the 80’s while we were there…we even had the heat on! June in Michigan…did I tell you that that’s why we moved? Well, winter’s the other reason!
Our camping adventure was just that. OUR part of it was fun and relaxing, but it’s those pesky neighbors that you can’t control. Between the 4 (yes, four) barking dogs on one side and the very intoxicated neighbors on the other with their late-into-the-night screaming/fighting, well there isn’t much else to say! Oh, I forgot to mention the mariachi music at 4a.m. – that was the final highlight of the night. All in all we had fun but one of the best parts was the water fun. We were camping in a county park and it was only a short walk through the campground to get to the Gulf. The water was hot like bathwater and you actually had to get OUT of the water to cool off. I guess that explains why there was a tropical storm this week!

The picture is at the campsite and Aanika on her way to the beach.

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