
Saturday, November 27, 2004

Aanika with Cameron and his Jeep

Happy belated Thanksgiving! We had a nice day at Kevin’s boss’ house which is north of Houston and about a 1.5 hour drive from our house. They were kind enough to invite us but had a crazy turn of events…it was a beautiful sunshiny day and they had no power! They have no idea why but they made the best of it. Luckily, they have a gas stovetop and grill so they could finish cooking everything. The power eventually came on after everything was finally cooked and going on to the table. Isn’t that usually how things go? :) Aanika had a ball with their grandson, Cameron, who is almost 5 years old. They have lots of toys for the grandkids so they had plenty of things to keep them occupied. The best toy is in the picture above. Cameron has a battery-powered Jeep and was more than willing to take Aanika for a ride in it. We got some great video of Aanika riding next to him with her arm around his shoulders! He’s a very polite driver…Aanika had been holding a chalkboard eraser and accidentally dropped it while they were riding. He turned off the jeep, got out and picked it up for her and then hopped back in and put on his seatbelt and off they went again! What a hoot.

Other than Thanksgiving, it’s been pretty quiet around here this week. I’ve done more painting (our bathroom) and have started getting the house ready for Christmas. We’re having a couple of get-togethers here for the holiday season so I’m trying to get everything finished ahead of time. I don’t generally work well under pressure so I try not to procrastinate too much! Kevin’s going to help me hang some lights on the house today because I’m too chicken to climb to the rooftop! I’m also planning on painting Aanika’s bathroom today too as well as getting out for a bike ride. It’s absolutely gorgeous weather today (sunshine and low 70’s) and we’re planning on getting out to enjoy it! The little one’s a bit under the weather today but hopefully the fresh air will do her good.

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