Other than the fun of the fair, it was a pretty quiet week. The weather is great and is cooling off to the 80’s and will probably stay that way for the remainder of autumn. Aanika and I rode our bike down to the lake yesterday to feed the ducks, turtles and even some carp. She loves the animals but she keeps pretty close to me when she knows that they’re too close. At the petting zoo last night, she was having a ball. It was called the “Unique Petting Zoo” and had a lot of animals that were her size. There were fawns, baby llamas, pigmy goats and a fuzzy cow calf…very fun. She and Daddy were even brave enough to feed some of them! I was busy defending myself and the stroller from the deer…they liked the straps of the stroller and I even got my backside nibbled on a bit! Yikes.
The picture this week is of Aanika lounging in one of her favorite chairs that our friends, the Vaughan’s, gave to us before we brought her home. The funny thing about it is that she wasn’t posing for the pictures…she just likes to sit that way…she’s sure is a funny little girl.